Virtual Tour and Beer Tasting
Time to try the beers of northern Germany
Apr 24 2021, 7 pm - 9 pm
Apr 24 2021, 7 pm - 9 pm
Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation invites patrons to experience the various beer from Hamburg (featuring Hoepfen Juenge) on April 24. Participants will be provided with professional tasting instruction and five different beers from northern Germany/Hamburg.
It is recommended that participants pre-purchase some of the following items to enhance their tasting experience -- various lunch meats and cheeses to prepare/make a charcuterie board (similar to those found at actual brewery tastings).
Must be 18 years or older to register and participate.
Cost of $55 includes:
- Professional tasting instruction
- Five bottles of various northern German/Hamburg beers
Registration Information
Register at the Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation Center on Clay North or call civ (0611) 143-548-9801.
Outdoor Recreation-
Outdoor Recreation
Military DSN (314)548-9801